Cube Curtains for GRID Cages.
Deano make these curtains for both the regular C&C and Kmart grid cages.
For regular C&C (35cm x 35cm)grids
The SINGLE LAYER fleece curtain has a top panel, and four side curtains which hang down over a the horizontal roof grids.
The curtain can be made with solid fleece sides, or you can have them cut into a fringe instead.
There are C&C Cube Curtains for single, double, and triple grid sizes.
The standard double and triple curtains have a solid back and end panels, with fringe on the front.
* * * I can cut fringe into as many sides as you’d like, or you can cut the fringe yourself.
Fringe height for C&C is 320mm, so it’s up off the floor, stays clean whilst it’s a great hidey space
Regular C&C grids are 35cm square with 9 holes.
SINGLE – 1 grid 35x35cm, DOUBLE – 2 grids 70x35cm, TRIPLE – 3 grids 108x35cm
and now also KMART (30cm x 30cm) grids –
The SINGLE LAYER fleece curtain has a top panel, and four side curtains which hang down over a the horizontal roof grids.
The curtain can be made with solid fleece sides, or you can have them cut into a fringe instead.
There are KMART Cube Curtains for single, double, and triple grid sizes.
The standard double and triple curtains have a solid back and end panels, with fringe on the front.
* * * I can cut fringe into as many sides as you’d like, or you can cut the fringe yourself.
Fringe height for KMART is 28cm, so it’s up off the floor, stays clean whilst it’s a great hidey space
Regular KMART grids are 30cm square with 7 holes.
SINGLE 1grid 30x30cm, DOUBLE 2 grids 60x30cm, TRIPLE 3 grids 90x 30cm
CHOOSING FLEECE FABRICS: Fleece #1 is for the top part, Fleece #2 is for the fringe area.
NOTE: This item is not quite reversible as it is made in single layer fleece only.
Photos below courtesy of Hanna.
Other Deano items in the photos – Deano Den, Cuddle sacks, Hay holder bags, soaker pads, fleece cage liners